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Hi, I'm Lucas!

FullStack developer

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Hi, I'm Lucas Bastidas, a passionate self-taught web developer based in Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina. based in Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina. At my 24 years old, I have experience in React, JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS, API, Firebase, NextJS, PostgreSQL, CMS and more.

I am eager to work in a team environment and learn from other developers. developers. I am committed to my professional development and always looking for new ways to improve my skills. My my goal is to work on challenging and exciting projects that allow me to learn and grow to learn and grow as a developer.

I am a hard-working and committed person, always ready to overcome challenges and meet deadlines. challenges and meet deadlines. I love working in a team and enjoy I enjoy collaborating with other developers to find effective solutions.

If you are looking for a passionate web developer committed to continuous learning, don't hesitate to contact me. I'm excited to work on challenging projects and help you build web solutions that working on challenging projects and helping you to create effective and engaging web effective and engaging web solutions!


javascript-ico typescript-ico html-ico css-ico bootstrap-ico react-ico nextjs-ico nodejs-ico express-ico postgresql-ico firebase-ico sequelize-ico api-ico algolia-ico git-ico airtable-ico

Freelance jobs

Analia Olmos Diseños - Ecommerce

This project represents the integral development of an ecommerce on Next.js, where virtual classrooms and molds are offered to learn how to create unique dolls. unique dolls. It was designed and developed by me, covering both the frontend and backend. frontend and backend.

Technologies used:

  • Next.js: I used Next.js as the React framework for frontend and backend development, taking advantage of its server-side rendering (SSR) and static generation (SSG) approach. server-side rendering (SSR) and static generation (SSG).
  • Firebase: I implemented Firebase as a rapid development platform to manage user authentication and data storage in real time. and real-time data warehousing.
  • Airtable: I used Airtable as a flexible database for storing and managing product store and manage product information, virtual classrooms and molds. and molds.
  • SendGrid y EmailJS: I integrated SendGrid and EmailJS for sending transactional emails, such as order transactional emails, such as order confirmations and payment notifications. payment notifications.
  • MercadoPago y PayPal: I implemented the MercadoPago and PayPal payment methods and PayPal to offer secure and reliable options to users during the purchase process. the purchase process.


  • Next.js backend architecture: I designed and developed the backend using Next.js, which allowed me to build APIs and custom routes to handle business logic, payment processing and interaction. to handle business logic, payment processing and database interaction. with databases.
  • Personalized shopping experience: I implemented an intuitive shopping flow where users can browse and select virtual classrooms and molds, add them to the cart and make secure payments. and molds, add them to the cart and make secure payments.
  • Third party integrations: Successfully integrate MercadoPago and PayPal as reliable payment methods, ensuring a seamless shopping experience for users.

Rock, paper, scissors


Webapp to play rock-paper-scissors based web-components. I developed a SPA based on a component-oriented architecture. I also based the whole architecture on a router and a general state of the app developed 100% in vanilla JavaScript. I used TypeScript in conjunction with Parcel...



Simple web-app where you can create and join chatRooms using firebase's RealTimeDataBase.

Rock, paper, scissors (Online version)


Web-app to play rock-paper-scissors between two participants connected to the server. Besides scaling the UI I already had, I created a Rest API that allows us to generate game rooms. For this I used Firebase Realtime Database to maintain communication between players. The server in this case is Onrender...

Pets directory


Web-app where you can report lost pets. I explored known patterns such as MVC and REST as well as understanding how relational databases work, designed an authentication system and integrated services such as Algolia and Mapbox to integrate geolocation into the system...

Pet Directory v2 (React)


I proposed a new front end for the lost pet application. The focus was to practice with React. It delved into the layer-based architecture and the use of components in a scalable way. I started using hooks and understanding the benefits of reactive programming. This time I used Firebase as host.

E-commerce (Backend development)


Backend of an e-commerce using MercadoPago as payment processor. The focus of this challenge is on scalability. For that I used many databases like Firebase, Airtable and Algolia to design a backend based on a robust API Rest that integrates several technologies and takes the best of each one.

E-Commerce (Frontend Development)


Frontend of an e-commerce. The focus of this project is to deepen React concepts and tools like Next.js and Vercel. I also worked on a layer-based architecture, server-side-rendering and web performance.

Contact me!